
1969年の論文ではε展開までは行っていないことを確認した。after the introduction of non integer space dimension d and use of ε=4-d as a perturbation parameterの件で誤解してしまった。悪役?になったFisher(RMP 70, 653 (1998))はIn 1969 world reached Cornell that two Italian theoretists, C.Di Castro and G. Jona-Lasinio, were claiming that the "multiplicative renormalization group" as expounded in the field theory text by Bogoliubov and Shirkov (1959) could provide " a microscopic foundation" for scaling law (which, by then, were well established phenomenologically). The formalisim and content of the field theoretic RG was totally unfamilar to most critical phenomena theoretists: と記している。Jona-LasinioもWilsonの論文が出るまでに多数の論文を出版すれば或いはということだったのかもしれないが、淡白に過ぎたことも長蛇を逸した原因かもしれない。